What Is Acupuncture?

ACUPUNCTURE is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has been practiced for thousands of years. Acupuncture is the technique of inserting and manipulating fine filiform needles into specific points on the body to relieve pain or for therapeutic purposes.”

In fact, every acupuncture point has its own specific counterpart that it targets. At Zhang’s Acupuncture we describe this relationship as “the effect of one key opens one lock.” By inserting a needle into the right spot it will relieve most of the symptoms immediately regardless of age, sex, or race.

With modern medicine, if we get sick or don’t feel well, we run to pharmacy to pick up medicine to help relieve our symptoms. On the other hand, TCM considers the human body as its own complete pharmaceutical company. The body can produce its own medicine. The reason we get sick is because certain processes in our body are slowing down, shutting down, or running on overdrive. To fix this, acupuncture (needles & herbs) is used to help the body return to its normal state allowing all processes to run smoothly again. That is the theory behind the yin and yang balance.

Just as becoming a great doctor takes years of hardwork and practice, becoming a great acupuncturist takes years learn. As an acupuncturist, finishing school and becoming certified is just the beginning. It is an ongoing learning process to continually learn and practice for decades before being considered a “master.”

Acupuncture has been proven to help people with certain physical ailments heal faster by using the body as it’s own doctor to make sure all the systems are smoothly operating.

A Typical Treatment – What To Expect

Zhang’s Acupuncture gives each patient complete care. Our office is conveniently located in the center of Westport, Connecticut. A patient comes to the office for a brief physical exam checking the tongue and pulse.

Then several needles are inserted into the proper spots, and within a few minutes you will feel pain relief. As a few more needles are placed in other limbs, you will be left to rest for 20 minutes. Once the rest time is completed you will feel much better, and you will be given a special herbal formula specifically chosen from our 400 authentic Chinese herbs for your specific ailment.

Chinese herbs, along with acupuncture are use to help the human body heal quickly. They both work together in harmony as the acupuncture needles work onthe bodies exterior, while herbs work in the bodies interior.

As a result, even after the first visit, you will feel much better.