Acupuncture Benefits

Many people often ask, “What are the benefits of acupuncture?” It’s a tough question because there are so many of them. Acupuncture treats all bodily systems, and benefits the improvement of physical health conditions as well as affective disorders and instills a feeling of increased mental clarity.

It does by by working directly with our body’s energy (or chi) by rebalancing it through treatment of specific points on the body in conjuction with the issue at hand. Through clinical trials, acupuncture has been proven effective in treating various medical conditions and its use has been expanded into conventional medicine practices.

Here are the top 11 benefits and how it can help you and improve your overall health.


All Natural

All healing is done by the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Even the greatest surgeon can’t heal the smallest cut. Only the body can do that.


Acupuncture works with your body instead of against it.

Modern medicine is miraculous, but your body’s self-healing abilities are even more so. Most modern drugs work by preventing symptoms instead of helping to bring your self-healing abilities into play. Often these symptoms (such as fever, inflammation, etc.) are actually your body’s attempt to heal itself. Blocking these symptoms can give relief, at the cost of true healing.


Traditional Chinese Medicine is outstanding for chronic conditions.

Modern medicine is exceptional at acute conditions – health problems needing immediate attention, such as infections, broken bones, trauma, and anything requiring surgery. It’s not as good at chronic conditions – health conditions that just don’t go away on their own. These persistent conditions are where acupuncture is especially effective.


Stress Reduction.

Although a little bit of stress can be good, too much stress (as most people experience) is no good, and these high levels of stress make it very difficult for us to be able to relax. Regular acupuncture treatments can reduce stress and help the body to relax.


Pain Reduction

Helping reduce or eliminate pain is one of the most common uses of acupuncture. Arthritis, neck pain, back pain, migraines, menstrual pain, etc. are all areas where acupuncture can greatly help you feel better.


Improved overall quality of life.

The things we do everyday and the different habits can create imbalance within our own body. Acupuncture balances our body’s energy systems by redirecting our bodies chi to the areas where it might be deficient creating a perfect synergy.


Faster recovery from injury, illness and surgery.

Acupuncture increases blood flow and circulation, and reduces inflammation and scaring. Many Olympic athletics and sports stars in the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL have used acupuncture to heal and as part of their recovery process.


Emotional Balance.

Depression, anxiety, frustration, and stress are just some of the emotions that can be treated by acupuncture to create a inner peace.


Improved respitory health.

Issues such as allergies, asthma, sinus can all be effectively treated using acupuncture to help improve breathing.


Sleep better.

Insomnia and other sleep issues are also very commonly addressed by acupuncture. Since insomnia and sleep disturbances can be caused from stress, injury, pain and emotional imbalance, and by treating those areas, it will positively impact a good nights rest.


Strengthen your immune system.

This can be accomplished through balancing your energy systems, while reducing factors to break down our immune system such as stress and illness to create an overall healthier body.