Frequently Asked Questions

Acupuncture has been used for over 2,000 years to treat many different types of problems. In the United States the number of people that incorporate acupuncture as part of their healing process has been steadily growing especially since 2006.

1. How does acupuncture work?
2. What are the benefits of acupuncture?
3. Is there pain when going through a treatment?
4. How long does each session take?
5. What conditions can acupuncture treat?
6. Are there any side effects?
7. What happens during a typical treatment?
8. How safe is acupuncture?
9. Are the needles safe and sterile?
10. How often do I have to come in and how many sessions?
11. What is the difference between a licensed acupuncturist and a physician that administers acupuncture?
12. Can getting acupuncture treatments be combined with visiting a regular physician?
13. Can I get acupuncture if I am pregnant?
14. Does my insurance cover acupuncture?