What Others Have to Say

“Dr. Zhang is a highly trained accupunturist who will make any patient feel at ease in his office. The giant fish tank in the waiting room and calming music sets the stage for the treatment. Dr. Zhang is gentle and not shy about letting you know what he is doing. His recommendations and prescriptions are always right on.”
Marianne S.
Zackary was 10 years old when he was diagnosed with ADHD. He was taking five different types of medications from 2007 – 2009. He had to regularly go in for blood work every four months and go to a cardiologist every six months to make sure that his organs were not being damaged by the medication.Even with the medication I did not see any difference in his behavior or academics. The doctor even increased his medication intake from once a day to twice a day, and at the same time increased the strength of his medication. There was still no improvement in his concentration, attention span, or behavior. Zack’s appetite and sleep patterns became irregular and disrupted. I decided to discontinue the medications because they were poisioning him and not help his ADHD.In April of 2010, I took Zackary to see Dr. Zhang. In six weeks, we started to see remarkable changes and improvement in his behavior, concentration and sleep patterns. He was actually sleeping through the night and his appetite improved. We continued treatment through the summer, during which we noticed amazing changes in his behavior!When he returned to school in September, his attention span and increased from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. We also noticed a great improvement in his handwriting, and his academic grades.We are thrilled with the difference that Dr. Zhang has made and continues to make in Zack’s life.
I have been a patient of Dr. Zhang for treatment of severe back pain due to muscle weakness. He has been able to get me to the point where I am able to move more freely and I am experiencing less pain. He has been thorough in explaining his technique and I am confident I will continue to improve.
Philip M.
I have been a smoker for over thirty years. After several attempts to stop, I read an article on the success that acupuncture has on smoking.

I decided to have Dr. Bin Zhang treat my smoking addiction with acupuncture.

After three visits per week for three weeks, I stopped smoking and have not had a cigarette for the past four years.
The withdrawal symptoms were extremely minimal.
Natalie S.
I have used acupuncture for several different issues that I have had:

1) I have had a life-long constipation problem. After three weeks of acupuncture treatments, I now enjoy a comfortable, relaxed, constipated-free life! Six years later I am still doing fine.

2) For ten years I experienced a constant tingling sensation on my thigh. After two weeks of treatments, I no longer have that tingling. Five years since my first treatment, I feel great!

3) After surgery on my shoulder, for whatever reason, I experienced constant hiccups. I went to the ER twice within five days, but could not resolve the hiccups. So instead I went to visit Dr. Zhang for acupuncture treatments and on the sixth day the hiccups were gone.

Also, after this surgery, I was schedule for physical therapy ten days later. The day before my first physical therapy session I went to Dr. Zhang for an acupuncture treatment. Before I walked in my arm was in a sling and I could not move it. After a single needle put into my other arm, I was able to raise my surgically-repaired arm above my head and scratch my back. Not only was I amazed, but my physical therapist said I would need very limited therapy. Two years later, no discomfort.
Philip S.
I came to Zhang’s Acupuncture with a cough that I had for almost a year, and no one could help my cure it. Within a month I no longer had the cough.

I also had menopausal hot flashes and sweats. The acupuncture treatments and herbs are the only things that caused the hot flashes and sweat to subside.
– Ann
I have used acupuncture for several different issues that I have had:

1) I have had a life-long constipation problem. After three weeks of acupuncture treatments, I now enjoy a comfortable, relaxed, constipated-free life! Six years later I am still doing fine.

2) For ten years I experienced a constant tingling sensation on my thigh. After two weeks of treatments, I no longer have that tingling. Five years since my first treatment, I feel great!

3) After surgery on my shoulder, for whatever reason, I experienced constant hiccups. I went to the ER twice within five days, but could not resolve the hiccups. So instead I went to visit Dr. Zhang for acupuncture treatments and on the sixth day the hiccups were gone.

Also, after this surgery, I was schedule for physical therapy ten days later. The day before my first physical therapy session I went to Dr. Zhang for an acupuncture treatment. Before I walked in my arm was in a sling and I could not move it. After a single needle put into my other arm, I was able to raise my surgically-repaired arm above my head and scratch my back. Not only was I amazed, but my physical therapist said I would need very limited therapy. Two years later, no discomfort.
Philip S.
After having a baby and not being able to produce enough breast milk due to clogged ducts and cyst, I started getting treatments from Zhang Acupuncture and was very happy with the success. Baby is now happy and so am I!
After having a baby and not being able to produce enough breast milk due to clogged ducts and cyst, I started getting treatments from Zhang Acupuncture and was very happy with the success. Baby is now happy and so am I!
Philip S.
I have found that Dr. Zhang’s acupuncture has given me relieft from facial neuralgia and has increased flexibility in my hads – also, i have experienced an increase in general physical well-being.
Marily S.
The day after I quit smoking I came down with a cold. I was sneezing, coughing, and had headaches. After my first visit with Dr. Zhang, I had immediate relief. By my second visit I was perfectly fine. Not only had my cold gone away, my nicotine cravings had become so much less that after not even a week of quitting, I almost completely had forgotten about it.
Dr. Zhang,

I wanted you to be one of the first to know that I am pregnant! As you know, before seeing you I had three inseminations and four Vitro Fertilization (IVF) without success. When I decided to try one more IVF, I wanted to do everything possible to make it successful and the only thing I did differently was add acupuncture!

Ever since my first session with you I have felt and inner calm that I have not felt in years. I am now a true believer in acupuncture! Thank you!!

Laura Y.
Dr. Zhang took the pain away after just 4 visits. My sciatic pain was very bad and also numbness in my foot. I high recommend trying this procedure. Thank you Dr Zhang
Joseph Parlanti